An essential ingredient in so many dishes, it shouldn't miss from your pantry.
White pepper is often chosen for light coloured soups and sauces. its flavour is distinctly different from black and is preferred by many European kitchens.
Where black peppercorns come from?
White pepper is produced from the still-green unripe berries of the pepper plant. The berries are cooked briefly in hot water, both to clean them and to prepare them for drying. The heat ruptures cell walls in the pepper, speeding the work of browning enzymes during drying. The berries are dried in the sun or by machine for several days, during which the pepper around the seed shrinks and darkens into a thin, wrinkled black layer.
Once dried, by removing the black seed coat, the spice is called white pepper.
These Pepper White Ground are available in a range of sizes, all packed in Plastic Free packaging. We use plant-based cellulose bags for these products. Cellulose Plastic Free packaging is biodegradable, simply scrunch up to create air pockets and add to your home compost. It will take around 1-2 months to biodegrade. Or it can be added to general waste, it will break down into vegetable matter.